Volunteer with us. Having just started, we need help wherever we can get it. You can register your interest in web developing, graphic designing, social media managing, and more! We'd love to hear from you.
Look out for our newsletter! We're working on establishing a clear and consistent line of communication with you to let you know what we're doing. It'll be out soon, and you'll find out about it on this page!
Come to our future events and demonstrations. We'll be organising a bunch of things in Greater Manchester within the coming months. As soon as we have the dates and details, you can come to this website to find out about them.
Make a donation! We currently don't have the funding to break even on this project longterm, and any goodwill donations will compensate us for our work and fund future events.
Apply to join us by emailing iiarmeenii@gmail.com and we'll get back to you within 1-3 days.