Hello my name is Sara Jade...

This website is designed to help empower those who may struggle with similar hardships, adversity of life's challenges. I am not a expert but I can say that I have learnt alot from life , endured numerous hectic fractions in relationships of all kinds, have a history of childhood trauma but learning to heal inner child in different forms such as; Art illustrations, poetry/voice acting, play, delving deep into all facets of psychology including personal development and other theories and research. In this website, I'd like to help break those down complicated psychology concepts as I know how overwhelming and hard to grasp what the book, research or professional is converting into different themes, quotes and analogies to help all types of learners to find a way to learn. Also, sometimes it hard to know where to start when diving deep into new subjects and it's very alien language and sometimes we need a bit of a guide to show us bits and pieces and go from there. I have formulated various books, youtube/podcasters advice and knowledge together with practical resources and tools that can help with moving to the next steps to learning how to take care of ourselves a little better, Or try too. Also, this platform can help signpost those who are unsure who to turn to for emotional support. I can provide numbers and places that can help relieve you if in deep distress and feel isolated. You don't have to be alone anymore. You can find your safety, love and belonging and be confident to know who you are and what you bring to the table. Thank you for spending time looking on this website when there are merrily another million other things more interesting to do.. Lastly, I'd like to thank Claire and Jayla for helping to build this website and inspiration from other friends and other people that have merrily helped me along the way.. you know who you are. #Teamworkascendassemble